Marketing to an audience with a very specific need can put you smack-dab in front of your most motivated customer.
But how do you identify these ‘people’?
Chances are that the first place you’ll begin your search for prospects is Facebook. After all, the platform does provide powerful targeting options like location, interests, and income level.
But specific prospects who know what they want are hard to isolate on Facebook.
For example, consider someone looking for a solution that helps them audit their inventory faster. I’ll bet there isn’t a Facebook community dedicated to this topic.
You could find bookkeepers, accountants, maybe even inventory managers, but it’s doubtful you’ll be able to target someone out of the herd who is actively looking for your solution.
So, how you can market to these prospects on Facebook?
Introduce them to your business through Google and follow-up on Facebook.
Google is far better at targeting someone’s intent. After all, we all use Google for research.
Someone looking to solve a specific problem can get very deep into a topic using Google, which makes it great for marketers targeting niche audiences.
The problem is not everyone looking to speed up inventory audits is ready to buy the first time they’re exposed to your brand, idea or product. Retargeting your niche audience using Facebook allows you to reconnect with someone who originally saw you on Google.
You can nurture that potential lead and stay on their radar so when they’re ready to buy they think of your brand first.
Ready to learn how to utilize this nifty strategy?
In this post, I’ll show you how to utilize Google Ads to help you create advanced retargeting audiences on Facebook.
Why Start With Google?
When you’re going after people who know what they’re looking for, there’s no better place to start than Google.
Remember that people turn to search engines for a few reasons. In fact, we can categorize most searches into the
following segments.
- Navigational
- Informational
- Transactional

There is immense trust in Google’s ability to provide the right solution for any problem.
People turn to Google first before other mediums.
This is especially true for people with niche requirements who use long-tail keywords as part of their input
Reminder: Long-tail keywords are three or more word phrases that show a very specific (single) intent behind it.
Google is more conducive to long-tail searches than Facebook.
For example, let’s say you run a student tutoring business. Over the years, you’ve created successful chemistry lesson plans and activities for your students.
You’re now looking to sell them to school teachers.
You can find a group of chemistry teachers on Facebook, to be sure. But not everyone there will be looking for lesson plans.

If you start running Facebook ads to this group, some of your money will be wasted.
You’ll be seen as an intrusive marketing message in a forum where they’re seeking camaraderie and help.
That’s not to say that it’s not possible to target a niche audience on Facebook. It is, but you’ll have much less trouble finding them on Google first.
Do note that you don’t always have to use Google first.
I’m only mentioning Google because it’s the most used medium for people looking for solutions.
If you feel that your audience can be better targeted on a niche forum, by all means, go ahead and run ads on that forum first.
The idea behind this strategy is to expose yourself to ideal customers where they first start looking for solutions to their problem.
Then, when the time is right, you can convert them on another platform of your choice (Facebook in this case) since you’ve already identified them and established that initial link.
Running campaigns independent of each other on different platforms isn’t efficient because not everyone converts on the medium where they are first exposed to a brand.
Finding The Right Keywords For Remarketing
So you’ve decided to start an advanced Facebook retargeting campaign on Google.
But how do you figure out the exact keywords your core audience is typing?
Through keyword research.
If you need a refresher on how to figure out the words or phrases your audience uses, check out our post on audience analysis.
If you’re already up to speed, start digging through your keyword research tools. I suggest Google Keyword Planner as a starting point.
You can easily determine a keyword’s monthly traffic volume and competitiveness.
If a keyword shows promise, add it to your list of potential candidates.

The next step is to look at each promising keyword in detail to determine its worth. If you don’t know how to do this, read up on our keyword matrix post.
Ultimately, your goal is to pick a keyword(s) that leads to click-through to your site.
This means you need to be extremely careful with your ad copy and meta descriptions.
Make sure your ad either promises to solve a searcher’s problem or hints at giving something away for free.
For example, our chemistry tutor is more likely to have success with an ad title that reads “periodic table lesson plan” instead of just “periodic table.”
The latter option is too broad and doesn’t give the reader any hint of what to expect.
This unnecessarily creates friction.
Like your ad title, the ad copy should serve to eliminate stumbling blocks and get traffic to your page.
Let’s look at another example where the offer is not just information.
Let’s say a point-of-sale platform wants to run a marketing campaign in which they show potential customers why their brand is the right solution.
Instead of running one broad unfocused ad that serves no one, one that focuses on a common problem like how to better track inventory is likely to be more effective.
For example, let’s say the company goes ahead with this choice and uses “how to better track your inventory” as their ad title.
What should the ad copy read like?
It should include actionable words like “download your free copy now” or “get instant access.”
This leaves little room for ambiguity. The reader will know exactly what to expect when they click on an ad like this.
Sure, this probably won’t lead to a direct sale in most cases, but the Point of Sale firm has gained significant value.
They’ve identified people who are looking for better inventory management. Even if they’re still in their information collection phase, this group is comprised of targeted leads.
Now they can create retargeting ads on Facebook for only those people who clicked-through on their initial ad.

For example, their retargeting ad may offer prospects help on learning how to run an effective audit.
Important note: Don’t gate your initial giveaway or content behind behind opt-in forms. Your only goal for Google traffic is to pixel them for remarketing.
Gating harms user experience which subsequently affects the number of prospects who end up in your remarketing audience.
Make sure a prospect’s first exposure to your brand leaves a positive image.
Two-fold blessing of targeting long-tail keywords
What’s great about building a remarketing audience from long-tail keywords is that it won’t cost you an arm and a leg to do so.
The reason?
Many advertisers overlook them due to low traffic volume.
This an advantage for you.
You’re more likely to get conversions from a dozen long-tail keywords with less than a 100 searches than a keyword that has an average search volume in the tens of thousands.

But don’t get carried away with this either.
Don’t set up an ad for every long-tail keyword you come across. Instead, think in terms of categories and set up ads with broad matching options.
If you’re not familiar with matching options on Google, read up on our paid search for lead
generation post.
Following Up (And Building Momentum) Through Facebook
After pixelating visitors from Google, it’s time to get your remarketing campaign underway.
But first, let me address a concern that I’m sure that is troubling most of you.
Why run ads twice (and pay 2x) and bother with remarketing when you can follow up with prospects from Google using email?
Well, there are two principal reasons to do this:
- Email lists are not accurate
With email follow-ups, it’s hard to filter between prospects who are still interested in your offer and those who no longer remember you.
Imagine reaching out to someone who provided their information years ago.
This only distorts effectiveness of your campaign (not to mention wastes time).
Not to mention, how many times have you ponied up a junk email address just to get the lead magnet you’re interested in?
The email addresses collected through a lead magnet may be a one-time use address, a seldom-used account, or simply invalid.
And if your message is lost in a sea of spam, like this inbox:

You’re not going to effectively nurture a lead like this.
- Facebook is more personal and targeted
Interactions on Facebook are perceived more favorably.
It’s usually a place where people connect with those they like and trust (family and friends).
More importantly, you can define who to expose your remarketing ads to by defining the time elapsed after pixelation (example – 30 or 90 days).

It’s unlikely for someone to forget your previous help in such a short time frame.
This increases effectiveness of your remarketing ads.
If you don’t know how to set up a pixel, check out our post on how to create custom Facebook audiences for more
How to focus your retargeting ads for conversion
If you want conversions from retargeting ads, make sure they promise to resolve another problem you know prospects
are facing.
The goal here is to continue giving away small freebies in the build-up to your big ask.
This is when you offer to resolve a long-term problem in exchange for conversion.
For example, the chemistry tutor from earlier probably knows that teachers will move on to atomic structure within
two weeks of teaching the periodic table.
This means a remarketing ad that promises atomic structure lesson plans will grab a prospect’s attention.
The copy of your remarketing ads should follow the same style and tone as your Google ads.
The goal is to spark a reader’s memory about their previous interaction with you and let them know how you’re going
to help them again.
The goal is – again – to get people to click-through to your site.
This time though, you’re going to ask for a prospect’s email address in exchange for your valuable information.
At this stage, you’ve established trust and familiarity. You’re far more likely to get a valid email address from
your prospect now.
Cementing Conversion With Email Automation
Users who end up in your email list through retargeted Facebook ads are more likely to oblige to your request for
You’ve already offered free help (and proven your value) on two separate occasions.
Let’s recap when this happened:
- When you ran Google Ads and pixelated traffic to your site
- When you showed them remarketing ads that offered to solve yet another problem your prospect faced
You’re in the home stretch of making a sale now.
Now that you have an engaged prospect’s email, you can set your email automation funnel in motion.
There’s no need to drag these funnels out like with traditional email strategies.
In fact, you can pitch your offer almost immediately through email to this audience. Still, I don’t recommend asking
for conversion in your first email.
Make sure you still first welcome and indoctrinate prospects into your brand.
Not only is it good manners but making a sales pitch in the first message comes across as spammy and unauthentic.
At least wait until your second email to go for the jugular.
Whenever you do decide to ask prospects to convert, make sure to mention how this offer can do away with problems prospects are facing now and in the future.
If they don’t bite the bullet, have a series of follow-ups ready where you try and coax prospects into a purchase.
A few ideas include discount offers and free trials.
Learn more about setting up email automation sequences based on behaviors displayed by users in our post about email for lead generation.
Note: You don’t always to have to pitch your offer through email.
In certain occasions (especially seasonal or holiday-related), you can run conversion offers directly on Facebook
without it being seen as out of place or forced.
Combining Google and Facebook is all about priming an ideal audience for eventual conversion.
People don’t buy from places they’ve had no previous interaction with or don’t trust. This strategy works to
eliminate that hesitation or doubt.
Repeated exposure and free help works to eliminate risk and demonstrates value.
This makes your ask for a commitment to purchase an easier pill to swallow.