Local SEO Strategy

The yellow pages are dead.

Your customers are looking for their plumbers, lawyers and landscapers online. If you want to ensure your business shows in the search results you must optimize your site for local search (local SEO).

It’s a branch within conventional SEO that helps your city-specific restaurant or law firm increase traffic through rankings.

Whereas traditional SEO looks at content quality, local SEO relies on signals that communicate trust around a geographical location.

Whether you have one location or sixty, every company with a brick and mortar store needs a robust local SEO strategy.

Local on-page optimization

To make sure that crawlers recognize what your business does and its geographical location, we’ll optimize your entire site with appropriate local keywords and schema markup.

This helps search engines rank your business for local search queries.

Harness the power of directories

A local citation is simply a mention of your business on an another website. Search engines weigh the volume of these references as a means to determine your ranking.

We survey major listing directories to ensure that your business is registered on the ones that matter in your target communities.

business directories

If it isn’t, we’ll take the appropriate steps to create a listing for you. We also deal with cases where the information listed is inaccurate.

Accumulate links from relevant local sources

Links from local businesses help to increase your reputation.

We will create locally relevant content that provides value to your community. This attracts bloggers and businesses within your area to link to you.

We also identify opportunities for your business to host local events and work with charities.

This leads to relationships which can earn you backlinks naturally over time.

Turn online visitors into offline customers

A robust local SEO strategy will ensure that customers in your area find you when they’re ready to buy.


What kind of businesses benefit from local SEO?

Local SEO can benefit any type of business with a physical location that would benefit from having more customers visit..

Unless you maintain an exclusively online or virtual marketplace, local SEO makes sense for you.

Can you help my local business rank for a specific keyword on SERPs?

Yes, but only if the phrase triggers local results.

Google automatically analyzes queries to determine local intent. Phrases such as “near me” or “city name” help, but there is no way to guarantee what Google shows.

It’s best to first manually check SERP results for your desired search phrase before choosing whether local SEO makes sense for you.

How do I know if local SEO is working?

A great way to check is by listing a specific offer on your website.

When customers call or come in and ask about that offer, you will know how they found your business. Alternatively, you can track visits to your page through Google Analytics.

The Hustler’s Guidebook to Dominating Local Search Results

When it comes to local ranking, don’t leave visibility to chance. Focus on the metrics that matter with our insider tips to dominate local search.

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